Craft Brew Asia is a Singapore registered society and a non-profit organisation run by a diverse and dedicated committee who will increase awareness of, assist and promote the full spectrum of the Craft Brew trade to similarly like-minded people and business.

Our membership and associates have interests stretching all the way across the Craft Brew chain from the start of the brewing process through to the responsible consumption of the end-product.

Last catchup of 2023 at Botaks Crafthaus

Last month's meeting was at Botaks Crafthaus with Midwinter festival cheer with lots of award winner Asian beers.

We toured the region with craft beers from Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and all the way to India. A standout was a Brett Pilsner brewed by Jing-A.

Despite the brave efforts of everyone to finish off the beers, we failed to clear all of them. Nevertheless, all ended the year happy for sure!

Cheers to the end of 2023!

Branding designed by Dave Holland at Black Sheep Design. Craft Brew Asia is a Registered Society of Singapore (UEN: T05SS0059L)