Craft Brew Asia is a Singapore registered society and a non-profit organisation run by a diverse and dedicated committee who will increase awareness of, assist and promote the full spectrum of the Craft Brew trade to similarly like-minded people and business.

Our membership and associates have interests stretching all the way across the Craft Brew chain from the start of the brewing process through to the responsible consumption of the end-product.

These are the 2 submissions to iBrew 2024 brewed during our recent Grain-to-Glass Session#2:



As part of the club's efforts to support craft beer, we also give our members the opportunity to see, try and taste what brewing beer is all about.

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The club started to offer homebrew demos in 2017, starting with extract / partial mash and moving on to all-grain. We hope to do a few demos each year to introduce members to what it takes to brew your own beer. 

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Community brews

Not everyone can or wants to buy their own kit to brew at home. It's kind of expensive to buy, it takes up a lot of space and a brew can tie up the kitchen for a day. So the club decided to run community brew days ~ once a month. Kit and fermentation space provided, ingredients and bottles at the groups own cost. 

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Whether it's on a brew day or at a dedicated session, we try different craft beers and homebrew beers to better understand what our ingredients and processes do to the finished product.

We post our homebrew events on our Facebook page and you can sign up to receive email notification at our homebrewers mailing list. Events are free for members but we charge a small fee for non-members if they wish to attend.




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Branding designed by Dave Holland at Black Sheep Design. Craft Brew Asia is a Registered Society of Singapore (UEN: T05SS0059L)